Noticeboard: 20th November 2020

Most importantly, I hope very much that everyone, including families and friends has stayed virus free and as fit and content as possible.

It’s been six months since the last Noticeboard. That deserves an apology to everyone. It seems ridiculous that keeping going during lock down and the subsequent restrictions should absorb so much time and energy. Once Google Groups were set up and ways of maintaining some activity had been established by May, the impetus for the website was lost. Temporarily. The autumn lock down gives an opportunity to resume normal service.

At present Felton Music isn't using Zoom. If it was possible to syncronise musicians playing and singing together I think I would make the effort to get the hardware needed, upgrade the broadband and get going. There's still plenty doable with pdfs and mp3s. If you have ideas for help you might need or like to give by these means, even if it is just you, make contact.

In August we were able to start some group activities in Felton Village Hall working within Covid-19 Secure rules. These are now called Nightingale Activities. You can read about these sessions in the new section added under Activities in the top navigation -Nightingale Activities.

Over 30 people gave at least one session a go and we made use of the Hall 33 times until November 4. Dates are booked for December in the hopes that the Hall will be able to open then.

Drop In Singing

Drop In Singing has carried on with a weekly pack of Youtube links and materials issued each Sunday for people to sing along with if they want. There are about 14 songs in each pack, in a variety of styles. The last four topics were Songs with words ending in -ip, Night and Darkness, Secrets and Imprisoned. Next it's Remembering (a week late) and Songs that have a long note at or very near the beginning. The pack is completed with some links for listening. Did you know how many composers have been jailed? Everyone is very welcome to join the Drop In mailing list. Just ask.


We've probably all got our established routines and to-do lists for lock down. If you have any spaces to fill, there's a new thing for you to try, a Coronavirus Mini-Project. I've enjoyed very much assembling the downloadable score reading projects Felton-music-downloadable-resources but they are lengthy both to write and to work through. I know that a few people have enjoyed them and found them useful. (I am determined that the next, which has been waiting to be completed for months will soon be completed and available).

So here's a much shorter project to tackle. There are quite a few pdf sheets to download, but that's because there's loads of help, clues  and guidance for you, so you can learn as you go. All the answers are there. You don't need an instrument – just yourself and a pencil. Use the hymn “Abide with Me” to work out the rhythm and pitches of the tune and write it out in music notation. A chance to improve your ear and music reading. It's impossible to say how long it will take you. If you are a complete beginner, maybe up to 2 hours? Less time the more you already know and can do. Download the pdfs here

Do get in touch if you try it to say what you think. Was it accessible and useful – even enjoyable? The plan is to do more shorties like this, so get your feedback in quickly in order to influence the next one!

Life after the Pandemic

We've just heard the good news about the first vaccine's effectiveness. It's still going to be a very long haul but there is a glimmer of light at the end of the lengthy tunnel. I'm one of the many musicians who has lost all motivation to practise for myself. I admire so much those who have carried on. My singing voice has gone wobbly on some notes, and my instruments are on furlough. There's going to be a lot of refittening work needing to be done. Maybe Felton Music can help all of us who want to be sure we are ready to hit the ground running once we can make music without restrictions again. I've got a few ideas, and would welcome very much your thoughts. What could help motivate you?

Meanwhile, the Nightingale Groups will meet in Felton Village Hall whenever restrictions allow.

If you have any questions or feedback or would like to join a group email

Emma George