Posts in Book Review
Book Review: Peter Hall on “A Year of Wonder” by Clemency Burton-Hill

This book is not a good read; it is a wonderful experience!

If you want to dip into the world of classical music; if you want to sample different composers; if you want to know what’s behind familiar music; if you want to experience that wonderful surprise of discovering a riveting new piece…then this book is for you!


In it, Clemency Burton-Hill (a BBC music correspondent) presents us with a recommended piece of classical music for each and every day of the year. Yes, 366 pieces of music, one for each day (in a leap year!) And don’t worry about finding these recommendations - they are all accessible on YouTube to be listened to.

For each day, Clemency’s choice is linked to that date : it might be the anniversary of a first performance, or the anniversary of the composer’s death, or an incident that led to the composition…and Clemency discusses it in a most fascinating and readable way, often sharing her own emotions about the piece.

I find that knowing a bit of the story behind a piece of music adds something special to it and makes it more meaningful. For instance, Samuel Barber’s very popular but hauntingly sad Adagio for Strings was chosen for JFK’s funeral (because it was his favourite). Or that Camille Saint-Saens wrote the Carnival of the Animals as a distraction - as he was wearing himself out trying to finish his 3rd symphony (he never intended it to be
published, but said it was “so much fun”!).

Clemency also gives a fascinating insight into the lives and forces behind many of these composers, and, again, that hint of understanding adds an extra dimension to appreciating the music.

Delve into this book, and you will be regaled with questions such as, “So that’s that piece of music!” , “ Why have I never heard this before”, “Must hear more of this composer!”, “Well I never!” or, simply “WOW!”

I heartily recommend this experience. It’s my second year with this book - so I’m going through it all again! 

Peter Hall
May 2020